At long last it has happened: the book “A Loving Uni-Verse – Poems and Reflections” by Prof. Declan Kennedy has seen the light of day. This collection of very personal poems and reflections, written over the last 10 years or so, is intended to be a impulse for the reader to find new ways of thinking and to design new attitudes towards our relationships to one another and to the world at large.
During the book-launch-celebration in Lebensgarten Steyerberg, the invited guests were able to browse through the new “work of art” and have their personal copy signed by the author. As well as including prose and poetry, covering the topics of Personal Beliefs, Community, Ecology, Nature, Permaculture, Taking Leave of Loved-Ones, a Fresh Start to Life or Spirituality in Every-day Life, it contains pictures from the different stage oft the authors’s life.
The production process of this book
The first highlight of the “Book Release Party” was when Stefan Schubert demonstrated to more than 50 guests how he produced physical book in his bookbinder workshop, the crowd visiting one machine after the other – from sewing the bundles of 16 pages together to glueing these bundles to a raw book of 128 pages to fitting his into the pre-made hard-cover with it embossed title and graphic flower emblem.
“I am really very happy about how the book has turned out so well” said Declan, whose painting “Flying Hearts” is the base for its colourful dust-cover. “It was very important to me that my outward façade reflects my inner thinking. My intention is to improve understanding between individual, peoples and nature – and, that by doing so, they can inspire each other – thereby, adding to their own personal contribution for a better world.”
Then, the author Declan read some of the verses from his book, accompanied in between each poem by a classical or contemporary piano piece, played by Alia, a new Lebensgarten member. Following a finger-food reception Alia also got a One of the guests wrote afterwards about the “birth of this book”: “Many thanks that you gave us such rich present. It was a wonderful late afternoon and evening of poetry, education on book-binding, music and dance – movement and meeting people, depth and lightness, abundance and connectedness on many levels. What richness!”
Declan Kennedy:
A Loving Uni-Verse. Poems and Reflections.
Hardcover, 128 pages with many coloured images
Price: 23,- Euro
Until 1.1.2019:
5 books: 20,- Euro
10 books: 17,- Euro
Ab 1.1.2019:
Book 30,- Euro
5 books: 25,- Euro
10 books: 20,- Euro
Special edition (leather): 100,- Euro
The book can be purchased directly from Declan: Kontakt