It’s a feeling that is for another being
Yes, intangible with no limitation
I open my heart to a beautiful thought
I go deeper within, willing, seeing
No picking and choosing, no discrimination
Music, harmony, beauty caught
It’s love from above and between
We often forget to think and feel for others
We seldom understand what they are really saying
We come all too often with judgment and criticism
And forget our lovingness in defending our own doing
We need to transform all bitterness, all resentment
We have to resist evil thoughts, cold complaints
We learn to resist not evil but un-responsiveness
To overcome all evil with good guides and vibes
We see ourselves surely as part of the whole
As every cell of ours is an atom of peace
That springs to the fore when talents are fowl
And make all our trouble, fine gifts through release
It’s intangible with no limitations
It’s having confidence in one another
It’s responsibilities in all life’s stations
It’s at-one-ment with the Source of all Life
It’s never over-protective, help each other
Music, harmony, beauty instead of strife
It’s love from above and between
It’s so strong that it is unbreakable
Yet intangible with no limitation
It comes from freedom and freedom brings it
It’s free as the wind yet quite unshakeable
It’s full of integrity, needs no simulation
Music, harmony, beauty sing it
It’s love from above and between